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DefenceHub is an independent news website focused on geopolitical affairs, military technology and defence procurements.

Our aim is to provide news that matters. In a world that is increasingly unstable, insight into geopolitical and military dynamics is important. Whether you are a government/military decisionmaker or an individual seeking a grasp on global affairs, we have you covered.

Our team is comprised of military professionals and geopolitical experts. Unlike most news outlets, most of our staff don’t have a background in journalism. Instead, we pride ourselves on our understanding of complex subjects, which we attempt to present in concise and easy-to-understand articles.

Our forum has been a prime location for the discussion of global military and geopolitical topics. The information presented by our members has been cited by various reputable publishers and analysts. We are proud to host a dedicated and knowledgeable community. Our forum and its community are what incentivized us to create As the new home of DefenceHub, serves as the voice of our esteemed forum members.